Real Taiwan Real Immersion

This past June, one high school in California went to Taiwan with us for the second time. Our “Real Taiwan” office set up the students to shadow classes in a Taiwan school and stay at local homes. When the one-week homestay ended, the students were very touched and told us that they had made lifetime friends.

It’ s worth mentioning here that this was the teacher's second time bringing her students to Taiwan. She told us that she really got to see how her students were able to interact, make friends and really enjoy their Taiwan immersion experience.

Taiwan is a delightful island. It is the perfectly scaled combination of mountain ranges and beaches, local and global, developed and rural. It has sensational food, traditional Chinese and aboriginal festivals and exuberant temples.

One of the most endearing things about the island is the friendliness of its people – Taiwan is one of the most welcoming countries in the world, you and your students will be bound to encounter numerous acts of generosity or kindness throughout your travels. It might because that Taiwan has preserved much of the civilization and many of the traditions which were lost in mainland China. In short, it has developed a dynamic culture all of its own.

During the past years, Real China has helped many schools set up their relationship with Taiwan schools such as:
National Cheng Kung University: One of the national universities located in Southern Taiwan; one high school in west coast of U.S. had a 2 week Chinese Language Immersion Program here in 2014 and one-week language camp in 2017; students live in the dormitories and experience college life
Local Aboriginal School: Located in a mountain village in central Taiwan; immersive experience teaching English and meeting local people