Sichuan, China has been named 10 best places to visit in Asia by Lonely Planet
Sichuan Province, China has been named as one of the Top 10 best destinations for 2018 In Asia by Lonely Planet!
《孤独星球》杂志评选出2018亚洲十佳旅行地, 中国四川榜上有名。
Far-flung villages, towering skylines, giant pandas and fiery cuisine; Sichuan province is a microcosm of modern China, and is bursting with reasons to go.

Cosmopolitan Chengdu has become one of the country's design and tech hubs, which also means a mushrooming of luring brewpubs and boutique hotels.

Up north, the exceptional Jiuzhaigou National Park has reopened to limited numbers of visitors after the 2017 quake, while down south spiritual experiences reign supreme: gain perspective surveying the Le Shan Grand Buddha or climb Emei Shan to absolve a lifetime’s sins.